The GracoRoberts Acronyms Dictionary
The language of the aerospace industry is uniquely its own. With its numerous terms and acronyms, it can be hard to keep up. People Services is currently in the process of developing an improved onboarding program for new employees. The goal is to create a seamless and sustainable structure across all brands. To ease the information overload during the onboarding process, we found it would be useful to create a GracoRoberts Dictionary encapsulating all the terms and acronyms used within our company and the Aerospace industry.
Thanks to all who have submitted acronyms to help us build this library! You can view our updated list of acroynyms below, and there is still time to submit any additional acroynyms by clicking on the following link: acronyms submission form.
Acronym | Definition |
AOG | Aircraft on ground (urgent & customer will provide tail number for bona fide AOGs) |
ARO | After receipt of [purchase] order |
ASN | Authorized Service Network [distributor] |
Shelf life begins from date of ship by GracoRoberts & not from date of ship by Huntsman | |
ATS | Authorization to Ship |
BAC | Boeing Aircraft Company process specification, which may include or be specific to a color |
Boeing creates its own set of standards for parts that it manufactures, denoted by the prefix BAC | |
BOL | Bill of Lading |
CMI | Customer Managed Inventory |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
COA / CofA | Certificate of Analysis – document certifying the test results meet specified requirements |
COC / CofC | Certificate of Conformance – document certifying the product meets the applicable requirements |
COTS | Commercial Off the Shelf |
CPN | Customer part number |
CMMC | Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification |
DDTC | Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (U.S. State Department) |
DG | Dangerous goods |
DOE | Date of expiration |
DOM | Date of manufacture |
DOP | Date of packaging – date the material was packaged (mostly applies to repacks) |
DOR | Date of Receipt |
DOS | Date of ship |
DPAS | Defense Priorities and Allocations System Program |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations (EAR:15 CFR 730-774) |
EAR 99 | A catch-all provision found at the end of each category |
If an item is subject to the EAR but not classified under a specific ECCN, it is classified as “EAR 99” | |
ECCN | Export control classification number – an alpha numeric code that identifies a certain item and explains the reasons for control on the item |
To ascertain an ECCN, review the Commerce Control List (15 CFR 774, Supplement No. 1) | |
EEI | Electronic Export Information (see TP-401) |
The EEI information is electronically stored with the Government, who then has the capability to see exactly what was shipped; where; to whom; and for what. | |
EOD | End of Day |
ESD | Estimated Ship Date |
ESG | Environmental, Social and Governance |
eVTOL | Electric Vehicle Take Off and Landing |
Ex Works (EXW) | An international trade term that describes an agreement in which the seller is required to make goods ready for pickup at his or her own place of business. All other transportation costs and risks are assumed by the buyer. |
FARS | Federal Aviation Regulations |
FFP | Firm Fixed Price |
FOB | Forward Operating Base |
FOD | Foreign object damage |
GHS | Globally Harmonized System – internationally agreed-upon system to achieve consistent criteria on a global level on classification and labeling of chemicals |
GRFB | GracoRoberts Family of Brands |
HAZMAT | Hazardous Material Product |
HTS | The Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) is hierarchical in structure and identifies every product in international trade for duty, quota and statistical purposes |
ISR | Inside Sales Representative |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations (22 CFR 120-130 U.S. State Department) |
KAM | Key Account Manager |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
LTL | Less-than-truck load |
LY | Last Year |
MOQ | Minimum order quantity |
MRO | Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul |
MSDS / SDS | Material Safety Data Sheet [replaced with SDS by 12/2015] (a document containing data regarding the properties, physical hazards, exposure limits, health effects, toxicity, first aid, etc.) |
NC | Non conformance |
NDJ! | Not Dan Johnson! |
NPS | Net Promoter Score |
OEM | Original equipment manufacturer |
OTD | On-time delivery (when GracoRoberts ships on or before the promise ship date) |
Note: requires PSD was set correctly, factoring in transit time to customer in order to meet RDD | |
P1 | FedEx Priority Overnight (UPS equivalent is UPS RED) |
PDP | Product Detail Page (website) |
PEO | Piston Engine Oil |
PIM | Product Information Management (or in our GracoRoberts speak, "Pimberly" the product information management system to manage our website catalog. |
PO | Purchase order (a written authorization to request goods and/or services) |
Q | Quarter |
QPL | Qualified Products List – a document listing manufacturers/distributors that have received a product qualification approval letter to a specific spec for specific product designations and plant locations |
RFQ | Request for quote |
RMA | Return Material Authorization (document for customer to return material to GracoRoberts) |
ROI | Return on Investment |
SCAR | Supplier Corrective Action Request |
Schedule B | A ten-digit number used for export statistics and reporting |
Schedule B number can be found at | |
SDS / MSDS | Safety Data Sheet [formerly MSDS]: a document containing data regarding the properties, physical hazards, exposure limits, health effects, toxicity, first aid, etc. |
SL or S/L | Shelf life (an assigned length of time a product will perform when stored at specified conditions; dictated by specification or manufacturer or GracoRoberts repack) |
SO | Sales order (must ensure all requirements and conditions can be met prior to acceptance) |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SPEC | Material specification – a controlled document specifying material properties, qualification, testing, labeling, etc. Examples: BMS, MIL, AMS, GM |
T&C | Terms & Conditions – rules and stipulations included in most contracts |
TAM | Technical Account Manager |
TDS | Technical Data Sheet |
TEMP | Temperature recorder (TEMP REC) |
TEO | Turbine Engine Oil |
TR or T/R | Test report (document providing actual test results; a detailed breakdown of the material properties) |
UAM | Urban Air Mobility |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UOM | Unit of measure |
VMI | Vendor-managed inventory |
WO | Work order (assigned for repacks) |